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Energy secrets of Tarot

The Origin of the Tarot

The history of the Tarot is inseparable from the history of playing cards. After all, in Europe, for example, Tarot cards long enough used only for the game. They were neither astrological (Astrology - a set of teachings, traditions, systems, claiming the influence of celestial bodies and their energies on people and events, as well as the possibility, given these influences to predict the future.) and alchemical (Alchemy - pre-scientific direction in the development of chemistry. It was engaged in the search for the so-called Philosopher's Stone, a substance capable of turning base metals into pure gold. Mystically, however, the Philosopher's Stone symbolizes the transmutation of man's lower, animal nature into a higher, divine one. The search for the Philosopher's Stone is one of the most important meanings of wisdom, the search for the path to spiritual rebirth and harmony of his material and spiritual wealth.) symbols, nor any numerical or alphabetic signs. The deck consisted of 56 number cards and 14 illustrated cards serving as trumps. Four suits of numerical cards in time formed the group of Minor Arcana, 14 illustrated cards formed the group of Senior Arcana.

There is an opinion that there were originally 22 illustrated cards, but some of them were lost over time. However, this is no more than an assumption convenient for those who believe that the Tarot deck is a link in the succession of ancient Egyptian, Hebrew and other civilizations. But most likely the cards were 14, as in the other suits of the deck, just the illustrated cards were the suit of trumps, and the deck itself originates only from medieval Europe.

The first deck illustrated in the spirit of astrological allegories was not created until the fifteenth century and was pre-scientific in nature. Over time, the decks appeared as cheat sheets with geographical, historical, and other information. Tarot cards were used mainly for playing games. The Church did not approve such a game, and the Tarot cards were banned.

In XVIII century, after the lifting of the ban, interest in the card game revived. This was the key moment for the Tarot: the deck began to change in two ways - as a deck for the game and as a predictive system.

What we used to think of as the Tarot deck was created by European occultists (Occultism - a set of esoteric doctrines and related practices that rely on the secret knowledge of the deep forces of nature, hidden human connections with different "parallel planes of existence" or other worlds. Mastering them will significantly expand human opportunities to influence the course of events. Occultism does not deal with questions of the meaning of existence.) Capturing the motifs of the symbolism of the deck, they tried to link it to any of the eras or civilizations, step by step putting into the playing cards this knowledge of the ancients. And each new researcher of the transformed deck argued this transformation, also investing a piece of knowledge, which he possessed. It is thanks to the tarotists of those times that emanations of wisdom emanate from the Tarot deck, which today many feel in it intuitively. As it changed, the deck gradually grew into legends. And it would probably be wrong for us today to look for the creators of these myths. But still, I think it would be reasonable to separate the chronology of real events from the chronology of fictional events.

The idea of the ancient Egyptian origin of the Tarot first emerged in the XVIII century at the suggestion of the theologian and Freemason Cour de Jéblain, who began to develop a version of the relationship of the arcana of Tarot with the sacred manuscript of ancient Egypt - the "Book of Thoth". His disciple the occultist Etaylla (French tarot scholar, Tarot researcher, author of one of the divination systems. He was the first in Europe to open a fortune-telling salon) continued this development and suggested that the images of the Senior Arcanons of the Tarot encoded the knowledge of the Egyptian priests. However, hard evidence of this has not been found until now. But the myth survives with its beauty and, despite the fact that it is only a myth, it is not devoid of logical assumptions. Archaeological excavations in Egypt gave the world the frescoes, the plot is very similar to some sheets of the Senior Arcanons. However, it is a stretch to call this fact sufficient to confirm Eteilla's version, because the archetypal images used in the Tarot are an integral part of any culture in which human relations with the world around us are explored at least to some extent.

With the ancient Jewish teachings of the Kabbalah (the esoteric branch of Judaism. It was formed around the idea of making sense of the concepts of "Creator," "Creator's will," and "Creation." Some modern followers of Kabbalah see in this teaching an exact science about man, about the world around him and the purpose of his existence - the science describing the causes and consequences of everything that happens, a kind of "instructions for survival in the world of the third millennium). The Tarot was first linked in the nineteenth century. It was done by the French occultist Eliphas Levy (a member of famous occult groups, author of popular esoteric works.). He drew a parallel between the Tarot deck and the Tree of Life (a mystical symbol of the Kabbalah), associating the Senior Arcana with the Hebrew letters. Tarotists and later researchers supplemented the deck with astrological, numerological (Numerology is a set of teachings on numbers, their meanings, connections and interactions, as well as their influence on a person's fate or events.) and other symbolic correspondences.

Tarot cards in the modern world

The Tarot cards came to us from medieval Europe, not from Ancient Egypt and not from Ancient Judea, which in no way diminishes their importance as a profound and accurate system of divination.

Today, the cards of a typical Tarot deck are divided into two large groups. The Senior or Major Arcana group ("The Great Mystery") consists of 21 ordinal cards; one special card, the Jester, which has numbers 0, 22, sometimes 21 or (at Aetheilla) 78; and one additional, that is, blank, or White card.

The Lesser Arcana group ("Lesser Mystery") has 56 sheets. It represents a reflection of the world of everyday life: character traits and everyday events.

But by and large, the Tarot is not the Senior and Junior Arcana, the Tarot is the mirror of the questioner, the Tarot is the here and now.

It brings us wisdom and gives us the opportunity to become stronger circumstances - that is, it gives us everything to "entice" fate to our side. The Tarot appeals to intuition and opens the subconscious to work. The Tarot is a continual creation. In studying it, we follow the will of God. If you want to draw conclusions, you can get lost in contradictions. The place and time of the first deck is no longer of particular importance - the main thing is that the Tarot still works today.

By the beginning of the twenty-first century, there were four main schools of Tarot study.

School based on the ancient Egyptian version of the origin of the Tarot. (Based on the research of Eliphas Levy and later Papius (French occultist, magician and physician, author of over 400 articles and 25 books on magic, the Kabbalah and the Tarot.)).

The deck is perceived as a complete list of symbols, whose predictive capabilities are due to the presence of a direct channel with the Higher Mind or the Universe. This brings to the practice the absence of conventionality (ritualism) and restrictions observed in other schools.

The minor arcana are traditionally illustrated only by suit symbols. The Magician card is the first in the deck, the Justice card is the eighth, the Power card is the eleventh, and the Jester card is the twenty-second.

Of the decks that can be seen on the counters, the following are suitable for work on this system: illustrated Minor Arcana (Age of Aquarius Tarot, Medieval Scapini Tarot, Stella Tarot), unillustrated Minor Arcana (Russian Tarot, Bohemian Papius Tarot, Steps of the Golden Tarot, Kabbalistic Tarot, Ibis Tarot, Egyptian Tarot, Labyrinth Tarot).

A school based on magical practices and the study of astrological correspondences of the Tarot. (Emerged almost simultaneously with the first thanks to the work of occultists Mathers (one of the founders of the modern English esoteric school, whose traditions then continued and developed by A. Crowley.) and White (a famous Christian mystic, occultist, scientist. Under his leadership, was created a unique 78-leaf deck of cards, the first publisher of which was William Ryder. Now known as the Ryder-White Tarot).

The prediction process is not ritualized. The Younger Arcana are illustrated. The sequence used in the Senior Arcana is as follows: Jester - the zero arcana, Power - the eighth, Justice - the eleventh.

The most popular decks with White's modern followers are the Ryder-White Tarot, the Lo Scarabeo Tarot, the New Vision Tarot, and the Universal Tarot.

School, which shares the views of Aleister Crowley (poet, writer, mystic, one of the most famous occultists XIX - XX century), the creator of the Tarot of Thoth. Aleister Crowley believed that the Tarot deck is the key to the human subconscious, which focuses all information about the past, present and future. The minor arcana are illustrated. The Jester is number zero, Justice is number eight, and Strength is number eleven.

The school of Valentin Tomberg (a Russian Christian mystic and hermetic philosopher.). It was based on the Marseilles Tarot. This deck is most closely related to the Hermetic tradition (the tradition of Hermeticism, a religious and philosophical current of Hellenistic era and late antiquity; has esoteric character and combines elements of popular Greek philosophy, Chaldean astrology, Persian magic and Egyptian alchemy.).

The minor arcana are not illustrated and are considered only in their literal meaning, like playing cards. The older arcana are not related to the Kabbalah. The first arcana is the Magus, Justice is the eighth, and Power is the eleventh.

In addition to the decks made by followers of any of the schools, there are many decks more reminiscent of esoteric oracles than traditional Tarot decks. Many of them are very popular and beloved. The Osho Zen Tarot is a case in point. Outwardly, it resembles very little of the traditionally made Tarot deck, but in its underlying meaning it is similar to it in many ways, and its predictive qualities are high.

The Subconscious and the Tarot

You don't have to be a follower of any school to study the Tarot. Today the Tarot deck is already by definition a repository of the wisdom of bygone civilizations and the knowledge of the modern world. For each of the cards, there are correspondences - immeasurably diverse, as diverse as the world around us.

At the heart of the Tarot method of interpretation presented in this book is the principle of the creative energy of the universe. The influence of this energy on everyone who lives is constant. Everyone assimilates it and in interaction with his personal energy forms the path of his personal evolution (the process of a person's spiritual development.) Each arcana symbolizes a certain type of such energy. Contents of the Senior Arcana: Karma (past, present and future actions of a person, as well as his thoughts, desires, soul movements in the context of the universal law of cause and effect (otherwise: the law of retribution). Regulates the accumulation and resolution of causes over the course of many incarnations of one soul. The work of this law is well illustrated by the Russian proverb: "What you sow, you reap."), lessons, stages of spiritual development - the direct influence of the universe. Junior arcana allow to judge the events that form the person himself, responding to the impulses of the Universe.

How do you see all of this on Tarot sheets? The symbolism of the Tarot does not have a single correct interpretation - it is multifaceted. The true work with the Tarot is not reading a cheat sheet, or even "by heart," but rather a creative grasp of the meaning of the cards, for example, through associations and analogies.

How does one acquire this skill? Is it given to everyone or do we need some special abilities? The road is for those who walk. Although, of course, subtlety of perception, sensitivity to energies can make this road an exciting adventure, in a large sense - to comprehend oneself. Is this sensitivity inherent in you? Is it possible to develop it?

Our subconsciousness receives information from the subtle world through the subtle bodies. And the subtle bodies belong not only to the "master" but also to those who surround him. This exchange of information mostly concerns objects of the material world. And everything happens almost the same way as in the material world.

For example, before crossing the street, we look first to the left, then to the right. Our eyes detect moving cars, and we recognize this information and make decisions about our next actions based on it. But cars do not move in a vacuum, but among many other objects, and these objects are constantly interacting with each other. Do you think our eyes can't see this? Don't worry, it sees it just fine. But at the moment we are crossing the street, this information is irrelevant for our decision about the coming actions. Therefore it remains out of the sphere of our attention, is not perceived by us, does not remain in our working memory. But it remains available to our subconscious. Forever.

In the same way, subconsciousness registers information, which is inaccessible for perception by sight, hearing, sense of touch, taste, smell. It registers and combines it with our own experience, and, what is important, has the resource to direct our actions based on this information.

Everyone experiences manifestations of such "self-possession" more than once in life. A sudden desire to stop communicating with a certain person... A sudden desire to leave a room, a building, a certain place as soon as possible... A sudden interest in a book, a person, a person... And so on.

The purpose of the subconscious mind is to provide the "host" with security and development. And for the tarologist, his "database" is invaluable. But, sometimes, it does not contain the information necessary to answer the question asked in the course of divination. However, the answer comes. It is provided by the inhabitants of the subtle world - energy entities (beings not manifested on the physical plane.). Why do they do it? What can they demand in return?

Any interaction on the subtle plane requires energy. So does the physical plane. When we reach out for a glass of water, we use up calories - physical energy. To replenish energy, we open the refrigerator, go to the store, go to the garden, go to the vegetable garden.

Acting on the subtle plane, we also expend energy - the energy of our subtle bodies. And when energy entities interfere in the "subtle dialogue," we spend more of it, and senselessly.

And this energy is very much needed when working with the Tarot! The basic principle of energy expenditure is this: the greater the changes that can result in the use of the information received, the more energy needs to be spent to get that information. Or, to put it another way, the more energy that is expended to get the information, the higher the quality of the information will be. But we can spend only what we have. The state of subtle bodies (quantity and quality of energies with which they are replenished) determines the power of subconsciousness. The subconscious mind is our "hands", "feet" and "brain" in the subtle world, the more energy we have, the stronger our subtle body is, the more opportunities we have at the level of subtle matter. The stronger the subconscious mind, the more information it is able to assimilate and correctly transmit to the consciousness for interpretation.

What gives the subconscious mind its power? Will, high ability to concentrate thought, creative imagination, calmness of mind, confidence in one's actions.

Although it is possible to say otherwise: the presence of the above qualities already indicates the power of the subconscious. Yes, not everyone is born with them. But one can develop and support them. Each of us has a kind of radar for the search of correspondence between the inner filling and the outer manifestations. What fills our subconscious mind resonates in the images on the Tarot cards.

One chooses cards from the deck based on unconscious motives. The more unfocused his consciousness is at that moment, the more fully the so-called skin vision is engaged, the more complete and accurate the answer to the question posed.

So how can unfocusedness be combined with concentration of consciousness in practice? It goes something like this:

- The necessary information is couched in the form of a question, which is spoken aloud or to oneself;

- The internal dialogue is completely disconnected;

- the consciousness is cleared from the imagery;

- In a completely unfocused state, a card is drawn from the deck.

If we wish to see the truth and are ready for it, the combination of cards will turn into a single picture, allowing us to see the secret threads of destiny. It is only by glancing at the cards in the layout that we can unmistakably see which cards convey a unified message and which stand alone, which cards send a warning and which tell a story about the past.

The Tarot is most effective in analyzing the present and the past, because the events of the present and the past have already happened and, as a consequence, have no options.

The future is multivariate. Which option is yours? No one can know in advance: your future is shaped by every choice you make in the present. But to influence that choice, to pave the way to the best option for you in the future, that's just what Tarot can do. Having reliable information about the events of the recent past and the events of the present day, it is easy enough to foresee their further development, to identify weaknesses and determine the most harmonious line of behavior.

The way of obtaining information can be represented as follows:

-Getting information from the subtle world.

-Assimilation of information by subconsciousness. (In case information from the subtle world becomes immediately available to the consciousness, the process is called clairvoyance).

-Transmission of learned information to the conscious mind through Tarot images.

-Interpretation of the information received.

Each of these stages has its own pitfalls. And if you do not fully understand the essence of the processes that take place during a prediction, you can easily stumble on them.

Can Tarot do harm?

Even the right tool in the wrong hands can cause harm.

As we reach a certain level of spiritual development (lightness of spirit), our task also increases. We no longer confine ourselves to mere existence: eating, sleeping, and empty companionship. We help people when they are in need, help them to understand that the task of man on Earth is to improve himself, to fulfill his mission. The fate of each person is tightly intertwined with the fates of other people, especially those close to them. Any help to people is blessed, and it does not matter to the Higher Forces where we get information, what matters is how we use it. The more we give ourselves to our mission, the more our task grows, the more power comes to us to solve it.

Communicating with Tarot is one of the gifts we can receive. It is a gift that allows us to accumulate wisdom, to analyze the past, present and future. Working with the Tarot is a way of getting information needed and useful; a way of influencing events. There is no morality in the world of energies, only cause and effect.

Knowing how to read the cards is not a matter for pride, but a necessity to realize the responsibility of the task entrusted to us. A responsible person is a person who knows first of all his true nature and its correspondence to this world and his destiny, who understands why he was entrusted with this knowledge. It is this knowledge that allows a person to entrust control of his life to the Higher powers in the chain of events.

If we wonder if Tarot is a sin, it is reasonable to look for an answer in those sources that have been studying, analyzing and confessing this sphere of human existence for thousands of years, and understand what they say about it, and what they mean by the word "sin" itself.

In Christian sources, sin is pride, laziness, greed, lust, gluttony, gluttony, despondency, wrath. And it is not difficult to guess that these are the manifestations of human nature, in the manifestation of which we move away from the Absolute. In a word, sin is spiritual degradation.

Tarot cards are a very powerful tool, but only a tool. They are not endowed with free will and spirit. The tarot cards cannot be sinful in themselves, only those whose will is free can commit sin. The sinfulness of the cards is discussed by people who are very far from working with Tarot. No one who has studied the Tarot system would call it black, godly.

The Tarot cards are a way of developing an understanding of the realm of the spirit. They are given to us to grow, which can not be comprehended by reason and not understood by logic. And, as a consequence, many see the Tarot cards as a sinful pastime, shifting responsibility for their actions to them. But as the human spirit grows stronger and takes over matter, the personal recedes into the background, the objective truth becomes clearer and clearer in the judgments - predictions. Ideally, at the moment of full affirmation of the spiritual beginning, the truth will be in every word. If one views Tarot work as a sin, it will be a sin.

As a counterbalance to sin, and as an aid to humanity, there are virtues that connect us to the divine beginning. Pre-Christian virtues: prudence, courage, justice, and temperance. The Christian virtues are faith, hope and love. They are worth resorting to when beginning work with the Tarot, the oldest system of knowledge and improvement.

Turning to the Tarot daily for predictions is not a sin if we are prudent:

prudent not to use information received from spirits of a lower order (this requires constant maintenance of a high personal spiritual level; acquiring the skills of discerning spirits; regular cleansing of the cards and the environment by prayer and the elements: fire, water, air and earth);

courageous to take responsibility for the actions we take and the consequences those actions bring;

just, accepting justice as the correspondence of deed and retribution;

temperate, limiting our material aspirations in order to achieve a spiritual goal.

Tarot teaches humility and love for people. But it is not only inner limitations that can hinder one's path to Tarot study. It is very difficult to live in a world of material things and be able to see the best in everything and everyone. It is not easy to maintain the spiritual level necessary to adequately perceive the knowledge that the Tarot provides. It's easy to forget what powers you serve, thereby triggering the process of degradation.

Open yourself to the world around you, think of the good, feel the beauty of nature, try to get enough sleep and not get tired unnecessarily. Try to meditate, try to organize yourself silence. Solutions will come naturally. They may seem unexpected. But the world around us is unpredictable.

About payment for fortune telling

When a person unravels the cards, he is doing a certain amount of work. Interpreting the cards, he also performs work while expending personal energy. In addition, fortune-telling by definition involves the emergence of subtle energy link between the one who reads the cards and the one who is read. It is not good if this bond remains after the divination is over. The natural way to break such a bond is to compensate the fortune-teller for his time and effort. In other words, payment for divination. The absence of payment leads to the fact that this bond remains. Unfolding the cards for free, the tarot reader does not let people off the hook, provoking them to turn to the Tarot again and again.

But the formation of such an energy bond is not the only consequence of impropriety, which is unpaid divination (and by and large, any unpaid labor). "The non-payer" always becomes an energy debtor of the one he has not paid, and the one who has not been paid becomes an energy donor, respectively. And the debtor-creditor situation is equally bad for both debtor and creditor. Because it is a situation of disturbed equilibrium, and it will strive to be resolved - it is the law. On the physical plane, it can make life difficult, putting you in the position of having to deal with unnecessary tasks. In the "debtor-creditor" situation, by the way, taralogists often find themselves offering the client themselves to determine the amount to pay for their work. And the point here is this.

A person who is not associated with the subtle world, can not understand its rules, and therefore can not adequately evaluate the work done. It is necessary to understand the cost of one's labor. But if, for example, in a store the seller asks us to name the sum we are ready to pay for the thing we like, even if we avoid the temptation to underestimate it, we will not be able to evaluate it adequately. We are not sure that we can appreciate the work of a janitor, a doctor, an engineer, because we have acquired a different specialty.

If we need to ask for help from any specialist, we will try to understand how much he suits us, find out the cost of his services and, if it suits us, we will come for his services. And we will be very careful to make sure that our fee for his work is adequate to his labor costs. Because otherwise we will become his energy debtors. But to the energy debt also leads to the payment of more than the person deserves only in the opposite direction.

How do you measure the effort expended and the benefit gained?

The price of each job is individual. Overpricing will result in a dissatisfied person on one side, underpricing will result in a negative attitude on the other side. It is difficult each time to determine the proportionate cost of their work. The optimal solution is to start with a flat fee and announce it before the prediction session begins. In this case, the amount will be accepted by the parties and somewhat approved, which can insure against negative attitudes and outstanding debts.

Over time, an understanding of how much the upcoming Tarot work will require will come. The complexity of the matter and the nature of the necessary layout will be assessed individually. And this amount must be communicated to the client before the work begins. The work should be started after the client has given his consent. Payment should be made after the work is completely finished, and, by the way, not necessarily in money. It can be any kind of assistance, from housekeeping to writing work.

A taroter has the right to refuse any person who asks to lay out the cards. What is a valid reason for refusal?

If you see that the person has already made up his mind and turned to you only to confirm his decision, you should not deal cards for him. But if you see that the person doubts the decision, does not have the necessary information and can not find a way out of this situation on their own, it is worth to perform the scenario.

Not predictions affect the fate of the person, but how it is perceived, what conclusions are drawn from it, what actions are taken as a consequence.

The future and destiny (what the future will bring to the individual) are not immutable. Man is endowed with the will and the right to make decisions - to shape his future by his actions in the present. The Tarot shows not what the future holds, no matter how much we distort it, but what it will become if certain decisions are made. It is not about the destination (everyone has one), but about the path that can be chosen. Of the many options and alternatives Tarot allows you to choose the best for personal development.

The result of divination is not a sentence. Moreover, as paradoxical as it may sound, the art of prediction allows us to change our destiny by intervening in the process before it begins to unfold in the arena of our life.

The cards indicate the energies present in life. And what to do with them is a person's will.

All the prohibitions imposed relieve us of the difficulty of thinking, provoking us to make decisions without thinking.

Safety Techniques When Working with Tarot

You're probably familiar with the words "safety". But, of course, you think that this "technique" is for high rise installers, locksmiths, doctors... But for those who seek to understand the laws of existence or at least the algorithm for drinking and not drinking their husband through a deck of cards, what dangers may lie in wait for such a harmless activity?

Well, first of all, I will tell you that even the most inspired labor, for example, playing the piano, also, at first sight, does not bear in itself any dangers, but it is necessary for the pianist to break his, "pianist", technique of safety (say, "overplayed hands") - and for a month or two about concerts and competitions he can forget.

To resort or not to the help of the entities of the subtle world, everyone must decide for himself. There can be no assurance that absolutely any such contact is safe. It is possible to completely avoid the risk only by refusing such contacts, that is, by turning to the Tarot deck only for personal information of the subconscious. But if such contacts do occur in your practice, I suggest the "invulnerability formula. It is universal. It has only two words: integrity and purity. When applied to work with the Tarot, including the use of subtle material contacts, it reads something like this.

Integrity of the energy shell.

That is, the health of the energy body. Allows you to use its fullest and widest potential. It leaves no loopholes for astral ill-wishers. Ensured by the harmony of a healthy body and a strong spirit.

How can a strong personal energy prevent lower order entities (lower order entities are subtle material entities that have a negative impact on a person, needing their energy.) from influencing our psyche and subconscious while working with the Tarot?

First, a strong will, a high spiritual and moral level make a person not just invulnerable, but even dangerous for the entities of the lower order, because the vibrations coming from a well-developed energy body are destructive to malevolent structures.

Secondly, if a person does not emit vibrations similar to those of demons, then they cannot come into contact with him against his will. In other words, one should not allow destructive thoughts.

Third, sincere faith in God has always been considered the best defense against the forces of darkness.

Fourth, one should read prayers or mantras as often as possible to keep one's consciousness in a state of equilibrium.

The energetic purity of the room and objects by means of which the prediction is carried out. To maintain it, regular rituals of expulsion of negative essences and cleansing from negative energies must be performed.

A dwelling is purified step by step in four elements: fire, air, water and earth. Each ritual should ideally be accompanied by meditative music and a prayer.

For cleansing by elements of fire it is required a church candle. Walk around all of the house with a lighted candle in your right hand, with the sign of the cross over each corner. (Those to whom such action will seem uncomfortable, may well "hallow the corners" with another symbol - a five-pointed star with the top up. The substitution is absolutely equal). The ritual should last as long as the candle burns.

The element of air implies the influence of smells. Specialists suggest using the following thistle remedies to choose from: high-quality church incense; wormwood; thistle; thyme; garlic, etc. In the "arsenal" necessarily present frankincense and thyme. Frankincense is not difficult to buy and thyme can be gathered and dried yourself.

To purify with water element it is necessary to sprinkle holy water (you can just spring water) in corners and the most energetically significant places: the place where you work with the Tarot, bed, dinner table, etc. This will be enough for all of the above. This will be enough.

The earth element in our case can be represented by salt. Salt should be put around the house in every corner, you can put it on paper. After a day, the salt should be collected, if possible, without touching it, and buried in the ground.

It is desirable to carry out cleansing in the following sequence: fire, air, water, earth. If you have not used a cure on your own, make a cure with a cure in a different way from the cure on the first day of the week.

The less time is spent on all the procedures for exorcising "unwanted guests", the cleaner your house or the place where you work with the Tarot, and the more effective and pleasant this work will be.

Purification of the deck by the powers of the elements. Before making the first casting, and before the deck begins to absorb the energies of the owner, it is necessary to purify the deck with the powers of the elements. Start with the element of fire.

The element of fire is a very powerful energy. Depending on personal preference, you can cross the deck or each leaf burning church candle, or put the deck for a while near an open flame. Either way, the fire will remove all the negativity.

The next step is cleansing with air. To do this, either fume the deck of purifying incense (such advice about the properties of incense will give their seller), or leave it for a while in a sunny, accessible to all winds place in nature.

For cleansing with water, holy water or running water is needed. Blessed water will neutralize all the negative information, which had time to absorb the deck before it was in your hands, due to the perfection of its structure. To do this, simply finger dipped in holy water, run along and across each leaf of the deck, drawing a symbolic cross. This cross will block all the energy accumulation that has accumulated on the deck.

To cleanse with running water deck should be left for at least half an hour on the bank of the river or stream.

Then you can carry out cleansing with the energy of the earth. For such cleansing it is necessary to choose a place where the energy of the earth is strong enough. In general, the stage of work with the energy of the earth can be attributed more to charging than to cleansing.

The deck prepared in this way has a favorable vibration, it is pleasant to hold in your hands, and it is easy and simple to work with it. In order not to confuse the mood created, the first reading, which can be carried out on a new deck - "Celtic Cross. It contains positions that relate to all the basic manifestations of energies in our lives. Before conducting the first reading, it is important to formulate at the intellectual level your intention to work with the Tarot, then transfer it to the emotional center: feel how much you desire it, and then let go of the desire, giving its fulfillment to the will of the Universe. At this purification of the Tarot deck, the initiation can be considered complete.

When working with a deck of Tarot should follow the basic principles of working with the energies of the subtle world.

For example, you can perform the deck "in absentia". To do this, it is necessary to focus your thoughts on the person for whom a reading is done. This will allow to recreate his energy image (energy double) for interaction with his subtle bodies.

A sign that contact is established is usually a feeling that this person is standing nearby, as well as a slight tension in one's own body, most often in the area of the solar plexus.

And so in this kind of work, it is important to observe some rules - essentially, safety rules.

Rule one: informed consent is necessary.

The ethics of such interaction presupposes a person's consent to such remote scanning. After all, formation of the energy body is already a magical operation, i.e. changing reality by energy-informational methods. And this is another level of intervention than in "face-to-face divination" and another level of responsibility.

The formed energy form continues to exist in the world even after the session of fortune-telling. Under certain circumstances it can begin to live its own life and spoil the life of its creator or the person it copies. This energy form can be used by an outsider who also practices energy-informational manipulations, and not with the noblest of goals.

But the practice shows that if this kind of scanning is performed with the person's consent, then firstly the diviner has to expend much less energy and secondly the created doppelganger merges with the biofield of the original person after the session and this is the end of his existence.

The second rule: one must restore one's powers after the divination.

When predicting remotely, the inquirer loses part of his personal power - it is spent on creating the energy double. If there is consent of the "principal" (the person for whom the prediction is performed), such energetic losses are minimal, but they are nevertheless present. And it is dangerous to leave them unattended. Any loss of energy has to be compensated. How? Some people are helped by prayer (or mantra) and rest, others by Thai massage, yoga or other dynamic practices, others by Taoist practices... Each person who studies the energy-information exchange develops his or her own methods over time.

How do I develop my abilities to work with the Tarot?

The desire to work with the Tarot arises only at a certain point in life and not for everyone. A deck of cards that came into my hands by chance... A book about the Tarot that I was accidentally given to read... All such episodes are by no means accidental. Day after day we do things of a certain nature without giving them any importance. But the energies determining the level of lightness of the soul gradually accumulate, reach a "critical mass" - and in an instant we are not what we were yesterday, though we may not even realize it. But new information, new people enter life now - not at all like the old acquaintances were. So the human spirit begins to feel the universe more finely. It is no longer possible to simply exist, one wants to change the world around him or her. That's when the Tarot cards can appear on the path, and their appearance will be a blessed beginning of a new stage of development.

The universe gives a chance - in return, a person must make an effort. And the usual things will not help here. Intelligence is not determinative, logic is not applicable, experience is not yet. Prediction is not just informing what card and in what position lay in the layout - it is the transfer of information to the consciousness from the subconscious through the symbolism of the Tarot.

It is possible and necessary to develop one's powers of divination. We are surrounded by an all too rational world. Any question can be answered in it. It's a world that doesn't recognize unanswered questions. But it doesn't recognize answers obtained through unconventional methods either.

Can I predict what will happen to me in an hour? Will I be able to guess, without going to the phone, who the call came from or who sent the message and what it was about? What kind of car will drive by? What is the child thinking about right now?

If the answer was wrong, was it because the right idea was immediately overwhelmed by logic and I was just afraid to voice it to myself?

Yes, logic often prevents us from drawing the right conclusions and leads to a dead end. It involves analyzing phenomena from the perspective of the three-dimensional world. But the world is multidimensional! What can a "three-dimensional glance" do in it? Is it possible only to "grasp" one aspect of the analyzed phenomenon? Just as the blind men in the well-known parable described the elephant. Remember? The one who fumbled with the elephant's tail said that the elephant was something narrow and long. The one whose hands came across the ear said the elephant was thin, flat, soft. And so on. But we who are sighted can see with the naked eye that an elephant is a tail, an ear, a trunk, and a huge body with huge legs. Blind people see it this way, we see it differently, but both theirs and ours are incomplete, all this is only part of the truth about the elephant. But the elephant does not cease to be an elephant.

No, the mind is a great power, and I am not at all calling to deny it. But one should not neglect the information that comes by means of dreams, mantics, and meditations, either. Yes, such information sometimes substantially differs from that which the mind provides to us. But it is about the same event or phenomenon that we try to comprehend or predict logically.

The universe, reason, and intuition present us with the same information. But it seems different to us. Why? Yes, simply our spirit in the human body cannot develop to the level that allows us to perceive anything holistically, in all harmony. Developing intuitive perception (which is always based on faith), we surrender ourselves to the will of Higher forces and the laws of the Universe. Passing information through the mind, we try to evaluate the Higher Will, its expediency and perspectives. In a word, we make the gods laugh by telling them about our plans.

Do you find it unusual to ask yourself questions like the ones that began this chapter? That's because you're used to thinking it's impossible to get answers. No, you're right: it isn't, if you use your consciousness and your five senses as a search tool. But you forget! There's also a sixth sense. And, although we rarely notice it, it's also part of everyday life. Believe me, it is far more important than what we usually think of as a priority-it is more important than the voice of our inner self.

The habit of trusting one's sense of self, if it suddenly comes back to a person, can change that person forever. In time, no doubt, intuition will take precedence. Give the Universe a sign that you are ready to hear her whisper.

And that whisper sounds all the time: the Universe, the world is constantly sending us signals. But we are used to not taking it seriously. It is understandable - we live in the age of information overload. Still, try to hear these signals. All the more, your subconsciousness a priori does it perfectly. Another thing is that consciousness does not always open for its signals. Our palms are already sweaty, our pulse is off the scale, we don't know where the feeling of anxiety came from - but no, we can't hear it. And meanwhile our subconsciousness is often trying to shout down to us through the physical body. And it is not having fun - it is trying to warn us of danger or of the fact that the supposed move is wrong. Just as pain indicates danger to us, the body can work as a "translator" of the subconscious mind - pointing out the possible consequences of situations that are already developing.

A "springboard" to work with the Tarot.

A tingling sensation in the vertex or just below the back of my head, like a pleasant chill ... An even and peaceful state of mind ... Time stops. I am a tiny part of a vast world. This is the state that tarot practitioners immerse themselves in at the beginning of every Tarot session. And questions begin to formulate clearly, quickly. The information comes instantly. The cards are drawn from the deck at regular intervals. Usually there is a clear awareness of the meaning of the arcana chosen from the deck, of what situation it tells. When the tarotist receives all the necessary information, he thanks the interlocutor and closes the space created, returning to reality.

The state that has been described is commonly referred to as the alpha state. It is often described as a state between dream and reality, between the world of spirits and the world of matter. It is described in great detail in Laurie Cabot's book The Power of Witches. Laurie Cabot calls it a springboard for all psychic, magical work. She believes that in order to master such work, one must learn to control the alpha state.

By and large, the alpha state is a meditative state. But, as just mentioned, it is important for Tarot practitioners to control this state, that is, to be able to dive into it quickly and consciously, and to come out of it competently.

How to do this? There are several ways. Try to close your eyes, stop the internal dialogue and consistently present the colors of the rainbow, starting with red and ending with purple, the colors can be just spots, and can be numbers, letters or notes. Then open your eyes ajar. You can do this with music, but it should be rhythmic, with the tempo not disruptive, but helpful. It is important to repeat such "attempts at immersion" with a certain regularity. Then this state will be more and more stable from time to time, and the entry into it will be faster and faster.

But even for those who have long ago taken this state under control, there are days when there is no way to achieve it. What to do? The best solution is to postpone the session for some time. Otherwise, it is difficult to vouch for the result.

Among other methods of entering alpha states, the most popular are the Jose Silva method, the biofeedback method, and meditation. But it is not advisable to use these practices for obtaining and processing information when working with the Tarot, because they can act as complete and self-sufficient elements on the path of spiritual development. To achieve the alpha state when turning to the Tarot, it is more reasonable to resort to the so-called express methods, especially when you are already familiar with the alpha state and know what you are going to achieve. Here is the simplest and most effective of them.

Close your eyes and, without opening them, lift your gaze at an angle of 15-20 degrees to the horizontal. Then open your eyes slightly. If you have difficulty counting the degrees, place your hands at chest level, close your eyes and raise your gaze slightly above this bar. That's it, you have reached the desired state.

To consolidate the alpha state, try, without opening your eyes and without raising your gaze higher, to mentally draw the infinity sign in front of you several times. This will help you retain the alpha state. Then you can lift your gaze without changing the intensity of your thought processes.

The exit from the alpha state should not be abrupt, otherwise you might find yourself disoriented, as in a sudden awakening. The proper way out is to close your eyes and take ten deep breaths. Now you can open your eyes. You are out of the alpha state.

In time, you will have no difficulty staying in the alpha state with your eyes open as well, but to do so, you will have to learn to recognize it and hold it (not change the resulting state) by the power of your subconscious mind.

Know that if we make the effort, the result will meet all our expectations. Khandra or disbelief in our powers and in the generosity of Higher powers prevent all the possibilities of our intuition from manifesting.

Be grateful to the Universe for the new stage of life.

Why don't the cards respond?

Sometimes the cards seem to refuse to engage in dialogue, and for no apparent reason. The arcana in the picture don't interact with each other in any way, and they don't even come close to talking about the area that the problem touches. There is a sense that the cards laid out in front of us are empty and carry nothing, that they are just illustrated pieces of cardboard. Why is this the case? How can we reverse this unpleasant situation and not lose faith in our cause? Is it possible to start getting information again?

Let's go back to the fact that information is energy, a kind of vibration. The source of these vibrations is on the subtle plane, and the recipient of this information is the person who interprets the Tarot symbols.

Let's consider the case when there is no source of information or he is not the source we need, so he does not have the ability to transmit the necessary information. What happens if we ask a question to someone who in principle cannot know the answer? Right, silence. And that is at best. The reason is in us: we ask without first having understood the essence of what we are asking.

But it also happens that the person simply does not hear us. And sometimes we do not hear him. That is, our question is heard and answered, but we cannot receive the answer.

What is the reason for not hearing an answer to our question during divination? It happens most often when the channel between the physical and the subtle planes is unstable. The reasons are either the internal settings of the diviner are such that they make the vibrations of his energy bodies too coarse and he is inaccessible for the subtle world, or he can not concentrate his will for transmitting the question to the astral interlocutor or his subconsciousness (this happens due to doping or unequal emotional background). Or maybe there is a person nearby who, with his skepticism, prevents the establishment and retention of such a channel - wasting his energy to make the contact fail.

It happens that we receive information, but it has nothing to do with the question we addressed. Subconsciously, you are aware that the arcana came out in the scenario for a reason, but the voice of logic says that if the received knowledge cannot be attributed to the question posed, then they appeared wrongly and the scenario should be performed again. Reason is not the best clue. Any deck in the process acquires its energy areola and some characteristics that can be compared to the personality. A stable connection is definitely established between it and the owner. The Tarot card deck sees the essence of things, and when you don't want to talk about what's really important to you (for example, if someone is in danger) - it will talk to you. Even if it changes the traditional course of prediction.

Choosing a Tarot deck

For the practice of Tarot you need to have a personal deck. You should take its purchase very seriously. The right choice of deck, the longer it will last.

A "rich" deck with drawings full of subtle symbolism will make working with the Tarot easier and more enjoyable than a deck purchased in a newsstand. So many people think. But in fact an effective tool can be any deck. Once you have fully mastered the art of Tarot, you can work with any deck.

Several decks can be used for predictions. It is common to distinguish between decks for dealing with personal issues and decks for divination to other people. Another approach is to have different decks for divinations concerning different spheres of life: one for personal life issues, a second for professional issues, a third for self-development issues, spiritual practices, etc.

For beginners, it is very important that the deck be decorated with story drawings: they work as a "visual key. But not every deck is designed this way. In classic decks and some other decks, the sheets of the Minor Arcana have no plot design, only symbols of suits and numerical values.

The first deck with illustrated Minor Arcana appeared in the early 20th century. It was a deck of Ryder - White. And she still - one of the most popular. Today there are several established on the basis of its copyright version. The original version of the symbolism of the deck Ryder - White now considered a classic. And this deck is ideal for beginners, even if they belong to other schools. The features of the deck, mentioned above, at the beginning will not interfere with them. But practicing the initial skills to form predictive practice with it is convenient and effective. I always have a deck with traditional symbolism, based on the Ryder-White deck.

It is desirable that the philosophical symbolism of the deck is as neutral as possible and does not burden the process of learning the Tarot. The deck should be understandable to the owner, although of course it is important that it corresponds to his aesthetic perceptions.

The symbolism of your deck should be one with which you can operate freely. And any deck, by the way, will tell you this as soon as you take it in your hands: it will cause you to want to buy it or not to do so. So pay attention to yourself at this very moment. The intention to buy a deck is formed only after the desire arises, and only then assess the potential of the deck: whether it will be convenient, practical, etc.

A quality deck is made on good, thick paper, the colors in its illustrations are combined harmoniously. More enjoyable to use decks, which have no more than three primary colors, but more than five shades.

Of great importance for the convenience of work are the thickness of the deck, the height and width of the sheet. This determines whether or not it will be convenient to shuffle the cards.

In the arsenal of fortune teller can be an unlimited number of decks, because each deck - a new perspective on the world, the view of its creator.

A deck gains strength in the process of working with it. A certain bond, an attachment, is established between the fortuneteller and the deck. It soaks into the owner's energies, becoming a carrier of his information. Your favorite deck will become really strong.

How to ask the cards the right question?

Our world, reflected in the Tarot deck, gives each arcana a special meaning. The energy of the arcana brings to life feelings and emotions that trigger events. By using the sheets of the deck in our work, we bring movement into our lives. How the vibration of the arcana coincides with the vibration of our energy field will determine the effectiveness of the work.

Each card of the deck has its own meaning.

It is acceptable to take one value for both the forward and reverse card positions. However, by highlighting the reverse card positions and giving them special meaning, we increase the variability of the cue. When the cards are combined in a scenario, they create "combinations," which, in turn, can already have individual meanings.

The predominance of one or another card in the reading of the coloring book suggests that the problem of concern is of critical importance and the other areas of life are also affected by it.

Each sheet of the deck is full of deep symbolism, and to understand its language can only be entered into dialogue. The images on the sheets of Tarot - a visual representation of their essence, the energy contained within them. For a faithful interpretation, you need to develop the ability to feel the meaning offered by each card, its internal logic. The essence of the card is often hidden in the details of what is depicted on it, rather than in its main plot.

Working with the Tarot, you have to get rid of the desire to get answers to all questions at once. The essence of each leaf can be expressed through several aspects of value, Arcana reveals its secrets gradually.

People create a reading, or just take a card out of the deck, because they need the information.

The quality of the information received depends largely on how the question is formulated.

If a layout is formed, each position is named, that is, it implies a question, the answer to which will be the card in that position in the layout.

If one card is drawn to answer a question, a noteworthy answer can be obtained only if the question is posed capaciously and clearly.

The correct approach to asking the question involves assessing what is happening in terms of cause and effect. The cause of the situation, the essence of what is happening, and the possible consequences should be analyzed.

We should not focus on the details. Sometimes things that don't seem important to us. The Tarot will give us the information that is really important, but that we would never think to ask for because of our imperfection.

The questions to determine the cause and essence of the situation may be as follows:

Why is the situation the way it is?

What do I need to know to resolve the situation?

What do I need to guide me out of this situation?

If the answer provides somewhat more information than the question requires, it could mean that other areas of life need attention as well. However, in order to still get an answer exclusively to the question asked, you can reformulate it by breaking it up into several derivatives or by setting a rigid framework that allows you to get only the amount of information you need.

An example of splitting one question:

What does the future hold for me?

What does the professional future hold for me?

What does the professional future hold for me between September 1 and November 1?

Will I change jobs between September 1 and November 1?

Interpretation of the results of a divination

When the cards are laid out, it's time to interpret them.

If the card is interpreted individually, we first read the information it carries, considering all the meanings and ambiguous interpretations.

Then we look for the pitfalls of that card. How much does the value of the arcana coincide with the question that was asked? How does the suit of the arcana (if it's a Junior arcana) relate to the area of life where the situation in question belongs? Are there additional ways to interpret this card? At this point, if at all possible, it will be correct to consult special literature. This will increase the chance of making a correct interpretation. After all, each tarot card reader's interpretations are different, and they are from his experience, which is not the same as ours.

Perhaps the cause of the situation is not where you expect it to be, or in the future. Perhaps it is necessary to look at the situation from a different angle: for example, in terms of career growth - in terms of personal relationships, rather than in terms of the amount of money that can be earned.

If the information obtained does not correlate directly with the question, but the question is asked as correctly as possible, then the result should be analyzed again. You can take out an explanatory card. If it also doesn't make the answer clearer, you can try to interpret the arcana in terms of numerology or astrology.

If the prediction session doesn't produce a feeling of satisfaction, even though all possibilities have been exhausted, it is necessary to try to understand what could have caused it.

Options for possible reasons:

A personal reluctance to get an answer to the question.

The need not to know the answer to this question, dictated by the will of the Universe, in the interest of the personal evolution of the diviner.

This may be one of the situations described in the chapter "Why Information Doesn't Come."

If the card is interpreted as one of the positions of a reading, its interpretation will largely depend on the arcana next to it. Such a sheet is interpreted in combination with others.

Combinations are interpreted in three ways:

When horizontally arranged - from left to right;

In a vertical alignment from top to bottom;

In the shaped layout - in blocks, provided by the layout.

To interpret in combination, it is necessary to extract the essence of each sheet and connect the meanings of the sheets interpreted together. This synthesis will be the answer to the question.

It happens that in the performance of the case, or when mixing the deck falls out one or more cards face down. It is generally believed that it is better not to use the cards that have fallen out. However, if you do drop a card into the deck, then its presence in the scenario will indicate the most important positions and focus attention on important aspects of the problem.

When the entire deck falls apart, it would be better to put it aside and return to the prediction session no sooner than the next day. The deck thereby makes it clear that the work will not do any good. But if necessary, it can be continued - with another deck.

Cards that fall inverted (reversed position) always have a meaning that is the opposite of what it would be in the straight position. Interpreting the sheets in the reversed position makes the prediction process more accurate and complete.

Each reversed card indicates the energy cannot flow naturally in that context.

The inverted Senior Arcana indicates that the energy of the universe, coming at a certain point, is not adequately perceived by the individual and its flow is disrupted. As a result, lessons will not be learned and will have to be revisited, but material events will be expressed much weaker than if the events were perceived in light of the cause and effect relationship.

The inverted Younger Arcs are not negative or positive. They indicate that a certain situation is blocked and the natural course of events is impossible, and the direct meaning of the sheet is weakly expressed. The positive aspects will manifest as negative, and the negative ones will find their end.

This state of affairs can't be called unusual, but when the majority of cards in the reading lies in the opposite position, it's a sign indicating that there is a reason blocking the future course of events, it is necessary to find out and eliminate it.

Sometimes the interpretation of a single card or combination of cards does not clarify the position in the scenario. In this case, additional information is needed. It can be given by a clarifying card. In other words, it is necessary to make a report for the reckoning: report arcana to the card with ambiguous interpretation.

The main methods of execution of the report two.

In the first case, the cards are reported from the deck, left after the dealing. But the choice of cards in this case will be limited, because those sheets that are already involved in the dealing, do not participate in the selection.

If the reckoning is small and already read, you can collect all cards in a deck and ask questions for the explanatory cards separately after the main reckoning. But this will be a separate scenario, and not an explanation to the first scenario.

In the second case, especially if the scenario is large, an additional deck is used for the report: the explanatory cards are drawn from it. Having clarified the meanings of one of the positions in the scenario, the explanatory card must be returned to the deck - only then can the next explanatory card be pulled from it. The difficulty with this report method is that it requires the explanatory deck to be available at all times.

The explanatory card can be drawn to a single sheet, explaining its meaning, or to a combination of arcana - clarifying the essence of the connection between them.

If the cards explain a single sheet, the essence of the explanation is that, bringing its value to the layout, the explaining card clarifies the nature, scope and method of manifestation of the energy of the main arcana. Such pairs can be considered both in combination and each with an individual meaning. Such a card is usually laid out on the main sheet at the top and slightly below.

In the case where you want to understand the relationship between the cards lying next to each other, the explanatory card is laid out between them - just below their level.

Explanatory cards should be laid just below or above the main level of the layout to improve the readability of the layout. Cards that are placed a little differently than the others, draw attention to themselves and do not let you forget that they are not a part of the main plot and their importance is secondary.

Interpretation of the Major Arcanes

The main essence of the cards is hidden, first of all, behind their symbolic meaning, causing associations in the subconscious.

The Senior Arkan is always a complete world at a certain level of consciousness.

The more complex, rich and multifaceted the meaning, the more complex the symbol is required to translate it.

To make it easier to understand the sheets of the Senior Arcana, you can resort to the following sequence.

- Analysis of the figure located in the center; analysis of the symbol and sign.

- Numerological analysis of the ordinal number of each arcana. (The sheets of some decks also show additional numbers and letters: from Sanskrit; Hebrew or French alphabets; Egyptian hieroglyphs, which have their own numerical value. They can also be considered in terms of numerology).

- Analysis of astrological data. (They may also be present on Tarot sheets, helping to correctly interpret the indicated time period or nature of events.)

Pointing to people and their qualities. (People who play a significant role in our lives; the qualities of those people; indicating the presence of certain qualities in ourselves).

Tips. (An indication of circumstances that could hinder or facilitate; also an indication of a possible way to deal with the circumstances.)

Phenomena. (An indication of the presence of certain events in life.)

Changes, cycles. (A change from one cycle to another, a transition to the next level.)

Besides, according to Dr. Papius, the first seven leaves of the Senior Arkans denote the intellectual side of human life; the second seven - the moral side; the subsequent ones - the various events of material life. The exception is the Jester, which is not part of this sequence. This arcana is considered more of a link between the Senior and Junior arcana, rather than part of the Senior arcana. This is due to the fact that Jester often represents the man himself on his path of development, while the Senior arcana - these are the spiritual steps he must overcome, and the Junior - the events of his life path.

Hints about the meaning of the Senior arcana are necessary in the beginning. They show the right direction of interpretation for those who are not yet confident enough in the symbolism of the Tarot.

Each Senior Arkan gives information about a particular life lesson. The direct position of the arcana indicates that the lesson is learned, the reverse indicates that the lesson will be repeated. In the material world, this correlation is not so obvious. The consequences of a well-learned lesson may be felt as much more unpleasant than the consequences of a lesson not learned. But a lesser loss on a mundane level can turn into a greater miscalculation in the spiritual world.

In traditional Tarot decks, the Senior Arcana are usually illustrated and take on certain meanings.

Sometimes the decks contain what is known as the White Card. The word "white" is used in a symbolic sense - the actual color of this sheet of the deck can be anything, but more often than not, manufacturers choose black for this card. Publishers do not always provide for its presence, but if necessary, for a sense of completeness of the deck you can use instead one of the two additional sheets that are available in almost every Tarot deck. One of them usually plays the role of a flyer, and the other plays the role of the title page.

The arcanon without the image is the counterpart of the Odin rune and symbolizes the Divine Will. If you pulled the first White card or it fell when mixing the deck, it is probably better to postpone the divination. Its presence in the scenario is a special signal. Higher powers are speaking directly to you. This card holds a lot of mystery.

The situation in which it falls should not be made clear to you at this stage. Your task is to follow your path without knowing where it will lead you. In other words, the Tarot reveals neither cause nor effect. So it's best to leave the question unanswered and don't ask the cards again. Remember: he who persists in his insistence, runs the risk of becoming a victim of their own delusions. Demonstrate obedience to a higher power. Ignorance will protect you from problems.

Interpretation of Court Cards

Court arcana form a special subgroup of the Younger Arcana: they have illustrations even in decks where the Younger Arcana are not illustrated. They belong to the same four suits. They differ from other cards junior deck of values and rules of interpretation, which does not prevent Junior arcana remain an integral part of it.

In the layouts court arcana can carry the following information:

Indicating a person's personality traits, real or assumed by society.

A specific person influencing the course of events (his essence).

The roles that people play.

Qualities that will help solve the problem.

The timing of the event (like all of the Younger Arcanes).


However, the Court Arcana are more likely to point to people in the environment or qualities of their character than to the situation and its development.

One way to ascertain the personalities of those people the Court cards point to in a reading is to relate the value of the card to the appearance or age and to the psychological qualities of the actual person. The gender of the character depicted on the card does not necessarily have to coincide with the gender of the real person.

Jack can symbolize a girl, a daughter, a younger close relative, a child, a student, a teenager under 20 years old.

Knight - a son, a friend, a young or young man under 30 years old.

Queen, King - a person over forty or looking older than their age.

Another way is to relate the astrological meaning of the arcana to the person's astrological affiliation. But in either case, the indication of a particular person will be very individual and for interpretation will have to be guided by an internal feeling.

Each element gives the cards of the court a characteristic feature of the human appearance.

Wands have blond, fair, red hair; brown eyes with variations; fair skin, possibly with freckles. They are usually very healthy people, presumably colleagues or those with whom they spend leisure time. Astrological signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Swordsmen have these: dark and brown hair, olive skin, green or gray eyes. Perhaps these are people connected through mental cognition: classmates, employees of scientific organizations, etc. Also people of astrological signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Bowls is characterized by the following type: light brown or blond hair, possible gray hair, gray eyes, good light skin. Bowls can indicate an emotional connection (relatives, friends, loved ones). Astrological affiliation with the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Pentacles are characterized by dark skin, dark eyes and dark hair, financial and professional relationships are united with them. Astrologically correspond to Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

The presence of several Sojas in the chart indicates that incoming information will determine your future. It may be letters, calls, or notes. You will need a lot of reliable information to make a decision.

Knights in the layouts indicate the impressions you will have when you make a new acquaintance. Events will develop rapidly and constructively.

Queens symbolize the maternal aspect. When it comes to the situation, they foreshadow an important meeting of women or a conversation in which a decision will be made.

Kings represent the paternal aspect. A meeting of several men, principled actions, acts of will, social relationships.

The following correspondences appeared for the character cards of the Tarot deck: People aiming to change the world around them, making changes outwardly rather than inwardly - Kings and Knights.

People who subject themselves to change without changing the world around them - Queens, Leagues.

Formed personalities who are used to relying only on traditional experiences - Kings, Queens.

Formed personalities, guided by intuition: Knights and Pezhi.

In accordance with the teachings of C. G. Jung, the following signs began to be considered:

Wands and pentacles - rational application of energies generated by reason.

Swords and bowls - irrational application of energies, generated by the senses.

Swords, pentacles - they are led through life by logic.

Wands, bowls - they are led through life by ethics.

Such correlation of the Court arcana and socionistic theory is recognized and used in practice by many people. Natalia Plaksina's book "Socionics in Tarot Cards" is dedicated to this topic. Tarot cards make socionic diagnostics more accurate, because they reflect the energy shaping a person (it reads by skin vision), rather than his idea of himself (how he wants to see himself consciously or unconsciously), as in the case of filling out a socionic test. A relatively objective result with the test could be achieved if the test form was filled out not only by the person being tested, but by all his acquaintances, and the results were then processed to obtain a so-called average value.

The King of Wands is a person capable of experiencing strong emotions, can get fired up with ideas himself and inspire those around him with them. He is industrious, hardworking, and cannot remain idle. He is shy, often needs to be alone. He hardly tolerates uncertainty. Avoids close contacts, does not count on others' help. Subtle sense of human frailties, can find an approach to any person, especially if it is his guest.

King of Cups - the eternal thirst for practical application of his talents. Accustomed not to be ashamed of their own desires. Feels confident among subjective ideas, has a great influence on people and constantly need it. Has a keen sense of beauty - both in the physical world and in the spiritual world. Overcomes difficulties instantly. React aggressively if his authority to challenge, although in general, criticism does not spoil the mood, rather not perceived.

King of Swords - the talent of the tactician is much inferior to the talent of the strategist. However, this does not prevent him from achieving all of his goals. His method is diktat. Focused and decisive in any situation, but the sentimental part of life is unknown to him. This rigidity and demandingness extends to himself. Sometimes passionate about his work.

King of pentacles - the reason and logic in his life bear fruit. Achieves much at the expense of stimulating others. Gathers as much information as possible and then makes a decision. Self-confident, knows he is doing his job well. Can be grouchy, prone to intimidation, pressure. Rejects guile and cunning. Not lacking in aesthetic sense.

Queen of Wands is a moralist prone to harsh judgments. Often displays external coldness. Always internally mobilized. Enjoys using complex ethical constructions. With those who accept it, open and assertive, with new people is closed and secretive. Friendship and loyalty for him the pledge of self-respect. Ready to give up much for the sake of a meaningful goal. Aspires to the result, lives for today. Able, but does not like to plan for the long term.

Queen of Cups - senses nature and art. Appreciates the best aspects of life and easily reproduces the emotions experienced. Is friendly and optimistic. If he feels unwell, he prefers to sit in solitude. Values freedom of will, both his own and that of others. Very gentle and cautious in communication. Avoids conflicts and confrontations. Does not like to compete and stand out. Manipulates people softly.

Queen of Swords - virtuoso of practicality, saving his personal energy for substantial activities, not ready to get bogged down by trifles. He makes his own decisions, but does not impose them on those around him. Outwardly cold, aloof and mysterious. He is characterized by "restrained emotional intensity. He is not inclined to demonstrative actions. Lacks the idealism to set a real high goal. He works for an interim result, but only if it is worth the effort. His tactics are pushing through. Dangers don't scare him or throw him off-balance.

Queen of pentacles - a sober realist. Personal worries carefully hides. Spends a lot of time reflecting, capable of analyzing any problems. Always sees an alternative and the practical application of the theories. Drives to a perfect state of the system, which adheres to. In everyday life is undemanding. Sometimes aggressive, stubborn and uncompromising. A lot of other people are judged by external manifestations, considering them a reflection of the inner world.

Knight of Wands - thinks globally, serious and focused. Aspires to feelings over reason. Fluctuates a lot, losing strength. In extreme situations indiscreet, and other boldly act only if certain that the unexpected will not follow. He is not lazy to secure himself and estimate in advance all the pros and cons. Independently forms for himself the concept of good and evil. Consistently adheres to "good". His attention to loved ones is obsessively demanding. Arrogant enough not to do household chores in front of strangers.

Knight of Cups - the emotions show spontaneously, conservative in feelings. Personality is artistic, prone to instant improvisation. Friendly and friendly. Does not aspire to be a clear leader. Highly appreciates his mental abilities, demands their acknowledgement. His own ideas are as dear to him as the people closest to him. Has no clear vision of the future, largely depends on his own mood.

Knight of Swords - fan of thrills, they give him confidence. In peacetime, does not tolerate competition and retreat to the background. Has a vague idea of what other people are and how they live. Does not divide people into his own and strangers. Lives for the future and the interesting, not for the present and the comfortable. Easily grasps perspectives. Constantly needs fresh impressions, but can not provide them on their own, often suffering from lack of energy.

The knight of pentacles is careless and daring in whatever area he chooses to put his efforts into this time. Would like to devote a lot of time to romantic adventures, and if such do not happen in life, he invents them to himself. But he also does any real business with pleasure and dedication. He is not sure he is good-looking, but he doesn't care about his looks either. He is friendly and smiles a lot. A man who appreciates life and "stable human relationships" more than anything else.

He is an empathetic and sensitive type of person. Demonstrably calm. Has a small circle of close friends. Because of his own trustworthiness can from time to time find himself in the role of exploited. He is interested in everything in the world of objective facts. Can not understand what is really important and what is not. He likes to finish the first thing before proceeding to the second. Very critical of his personality. In compliments and in criticism unwittingly looks for hidden meanings. He does not forgive betrayal.

The Jack of Cups is a romantic and individualist. Only emotional expressions are considered sincere, and expects them from others and does not hide them. Towards people in general is tolerant. He feels responsible for them. He has a good sense of humor, which often helps him out. He is always elegant, well-balanced and well-adjusted. Actively seeks harmony.

The Jack of Swords is an overactive personality with a powerful intellect. The analytical aspect of the mind is strong, and this allows details to make a very plausible picture of the whole, even regarding the future. Cynic. He considers expressions of emotion dangerous and unnecessary. In his feelings is constant and not inclined to adventures. A highly critical attitude towards life is combined with inner kindness.

Jack of pentacles from his point of view, everything in life is subject to logic. He equates justice with logic. Strives for its triumph in everything and everywhere. He cannot accept being instructed to do so. He is moderately ambitious. Attentive to his health. Does not like surprises, reacts aggressively.

Interpretation of the Minor Arcana

The Minor arcana cards, unlike the Senior arcana cards, are fully personal and material and have a fairly clear and definite meaning. They are the result of human actions, transforming energy, changing the world around them with it.

The Younger Arkan brings precision to the information that the Senior Arkan provides us.

The Younger Arkan also plays an important role as an indicator of the timing of certain events.

Numerical Minor arcana (from Ace to Ten) usually tell us about events and emotions, less often about the qualities inherent in certain people. Also, the Minor arcana have numerical values that correlate with certain time segments.

Junior arcana reflect the experience and suggest ways of optimal development, spiritual growth and change for the better, as well as the prospect of possible negative transformations.

The minor arcana are distinguished not only by seniority, but also by belonging to a particular series, or suit: Wands, Swords, Bowls, Pentacles. (It was these suits that later became the clubs, spades, hearts, and diamonds we are all familiar with.)

Each of the suits represents an element: Wands - fire; Swords - air; Bowls - water; Pentacles - earth.

And each suit also denotes one of life's manifestations: Wands - action; Swords - intention; Bowls - feeling; Pentacles - retribution.

The energies representing the elements interact in the Tarot just as they do in the real world. And among these, the element of fire is the most volatile. Fire transforms and gives birth to air. And air, in turn, gradually becomes water. And water forms earth. This explains the sequence in which the suits are considered (Wands, Swords, Bowls, Pentacles).

Fire (Wands): Movement, energy, ambition, superficiality, leadership, transformation.

Zodiac signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. The time of the year is spring.

This suit represents the human will to achieve a goal, as well as the energetic potential of the individual.

Wands are associated with vitality (physical and spiritual), with struggle and passion in all its manifestations. The conflicts indicated by the Wands are not serious, but lead to deep self-awareness.

Fire brings the emotional aspects to the layout, symbolizes inspiration, new ideas and passion; burns away all the obsolete, illuminates existence.

But this sphere requires great caution, because things can easily get out of hand and lead to destruction. However, emotions without reason can quickly burn out and bear no fruit. The dynamism of the suit gives insight into the inner essence through conflict resolution.

Air (swords): intellect, logic, determination, aggression.

Zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. The time of year is autumn.

This suit can tell you about your mental development and spiritual state, indicating what it will take to manage the course of events, as well as the difficulties that will have to be overcome.

Swords represent the desire for honest and direct communication; the truth that rejects illusions. A large number of cards of this suit in the layout may indicate the possibility of deception, and some may portend misfortune and doom. Recent illness, pain, or anxiety also attract swords, but a calm mind will show how to find a way out of the situation. The swords also help determine the way to find the source of the problem. The mind dissects the world like a sword.

Water (bowls): emotions, responsiveness, sentimentality, artistry.

Zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. The time of the year is summer.

This suit rules friendship, love and relationships. It also governs creative pursuits and expression through relationships with others. The suit reflects the emotional state and relationships with loved ones.

Water flowing freely gives life, but if it stagnates, it triggers destructive processes. This element is the most susceptible to transformation: it takes any shape, goes to any state. Bowls are predominant in the calculations relating to the issues of creativity.

Earth (pentacles): Practicality, assiduity, slowness, skill.

Zodiacal signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The time of year: winter.

Pentacles reflect the state of the body, they are responsible for the material situation (money, work, etc.) and social relations; they represent the foundation for future achievements. Pentacles in the composition act as a solid foundation for creative impulses, creating a family, the accumulation of "worldly goods" and everything that is the material realization of the spiritual essence. If pentacles dominate, it indicates the predominance of material aspects to the detriment of spiritual ones, as well as the need to pay attention to your own health.

Each suit begins with an Ace, followed by a DOUBLE, then a THREE, and then up to a TEN. There are also the cards of the Court, or "pictures": the KING, the KING, the RYTHMAN and the PAGE. It is not difficult to see that there is one more than in the playing cards and that the Tarot deck, just like our world, carries the symbols of countless combinations of the elements of air, water, earth and fire.

The numerological symbolism for understanding the Younger Arcana cards is fundamental because the individual vibration of each number gives its cards similar meanings regardless of suit.

UNIT (ACE) is the emergence of the energy of this or that element, the creative force and individuality. The essence of the elements, the basis, the beginning, the stimulus. Symbolizes the elements in its original manifestation. Their purity. The most exquisite qualities. Initiatives, potential, ideas. Aces in the layout talk about the opportunities that need to pay special attention, you do not just get the opportunity, and use it correctly to stay for the future. A misunderstanding of Ace energy can lead to a selfish use of it. Multiple Aces in a chart indicate great new opportunities. AUSE symbolizes the beginning of the next cycle of life.

TWO - the conjunction of positive and negative, as well as the duality of balance and incompleteness of creation; the ability to express an idea. Pure manifestation, balanced duality, ground of potential, balance, harmony. Relationships, encounters, dialogue between people. The need for choice and cooperation. The theme of relationships. As well as a person's attitude. Duality, choice, the emergence of opposites. TWO is the transition from idea to acquiring life experience, creativity, search.

THREE is growth, as well as the conception of the new; intermediate material result and waiting for the next stage of work - the stage of growth. Mingling, creation, expansion, growth, change. Novelty, expansion, growth, creativity, outward expression-the emergence of a new element. Literary Works.

FOUR - the material side of the world, governed by logic; personal awareness, spiritual growth, the craving for self-improvement; the Foundation, constructive energy. FOUR stands for high ideas, boundaries, buildings, institutions. Foundation, stability, security, peace. FOUR is a square, a symbol of stability, but also of boredom. The four symbolizes the physical feelings and sensations of the world around us. Symbolizes discipline, control, organization, structure. Attention must be paid to detail.

Five - instability, instability, the upcoming choice, unhappiness, the events out of control. Balance imbalance, conflict, abandonment of limits, getting out of control; difficulties, obstacles in the way of high ideas. Conflict, instability, danger, suffering, intemperance. FIVE is associated with the harsh realities of life. If FOUR are our hands and feet, then FIVE also adds the head, along with which comes the awareness of such things as loss, fear, suffering. A harbinger of great change. Predicts the importance of certain social relations. Gambling.

SIX - the basis of balance, reason. Harmony, beauty. Abundance, fertility, time of grace, the first achievements. Success, generosity. Harmony and communication with people. The return of self-confidence after difficulties in fives. But also in the sixes there is often a hierarchy motif, when one person is superior to others. The presence in life of pleasant personal relationships, loved ones. The focus is on spouses, relatives and friends.

Seven - wisdom, perfection, completeness, the result of spiritual development. Loss of stability, the beginning of inner growth, sacrifice, eccentricity. Risk, projects that could fail or come to fruition and bring success. Challenge. The number seven is a symbol of the assurance of a certain cycle and the full flowering of the soul. The seven symbolizes a heroic attitude toward life. The original analytical approach to dealing with issues. Scientific research, occult practices. There is a need to balance the workload.

EIGHT -- rebirth and dying; health. Mastery, awareness of a mistake made, change of situation, moving forward. Balance, success, power, movement. Maturity, ability to recover, ability to direct one's own actions. EIGHT signifies effort and movement toward a goal, willpower and executive ability. The choice of new priorities. Dangers in the way. Real estate transactions, dealing with legal issues. .

The NINE -- the unity of the three plans of being: spirit, mind, and body. Completion, culmination. The maximum of positive or negative qualities. Abundance, accumulation, life here and now. Nines give a sense of completion. The Nines in White's deck show us the embodiment of the promises of each suit and the price we pay for various achievements. The MEN lack the very smallest thing for the completeness of the tens. Problems and predicaments are about to come to a final result, and that result will be either prosperity or total collapse. Self-deceptions. Technical malfunctions. Promises are difficult to keep, new projects will not come to fruition.

TEN - complete completion of one cycle and the beginning of a new one; strengthening the value of the suit. Completion, the end of a cycle, preparation for a new cycle and its beginning. Gathering the energy of comprehension of the results. Completion and transition to the next state. Long-term cycles. Big changes ahead.

11 (1 AND 1) PAGE - Exploration, development of interests, learning, striving for harmony.

12 (1 AND 2) RYAN - A sense of increased responsibility in a controlled area.

13 (1 AND 3) KING - Willpower combined with creativity, stability.

14 (1 AND 4) KING - Force of will and energy applied, conflict resolution, patronage.

The study of the numerological meaning of numbers combined with knowledge of the symbolism of the cards gives the key to understanding the meaning of each card. The number of the card adds depth to the interpretation.

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